supergreen vs green vegetables

Super Greens vs Green Vegetables: Which Do You Need?

8 min read


10 Sep 2024

Ever wondered if it's a greens powder you need to up your nutrient intake, green vegetables—or both? Find out below.

We’ll just ask the question for you—what is it that makes these superblends oh-so super? 

Well, all those greens powders and green juices do contain superpowers as nutrient-dense supplements and can fill those nutritional gaps. But does a greens powder replace vegetables in your diet? And fresh fruits? Does a well-rounded diet need both?

Let’s wade deep in on the supergreens vs green vegetables debate and discover whether superfood powders can replace fruit and vegetable intake, assessing their nutritional value, and identifying any potential nutrient gaps.

Super greens explained

Certain superfood blends with a nutrient-rich plant focus offer a concentrated nutrient boost in a convenient and effective way, which is why many use them for nutritional supplementing. They’re often referred to just as superfood blends.

And because you can easily grab green powders and make a smoothie or pick up a pre-made green juice, they’re a swift and simple way to get those nutrients flowing. 

For example, a serving size (one tablespoon) of powdered greens may contain around 45 calories, three grams of protein, and six grams of carbohydrates. It can provide about 18% of your daily value of iron, too.

What is in super greens?

These types of superfood blends are typically formulated to include vegetables, seaweeds, herbal extracts, and grasses. 

They tend to include cruciferous vegetables, grasses, algae, and seaweed—making them a potent source of nutrients. Plus, they’re a brilliant way to get all the nutrient-rich plants your system needs to succeed.

What are typical ingredients?

You’ll find ingredients like spinach, kale, chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass, among others. Ever tasted spirulina? Or chlorella? These types of superfood blends allow you to have the benefits without tasting the (very) robust flavors within them.

supergreens ingredients

The formulas of green superfood blends are rich in vitamins (such as A, C, E, and K), minerals (including iron, calcium, and potassium), fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients (natural compounds found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

They’re often used by those with dietary restrictions, allergies or intolerances as a straightforward way to gain certain nutrients in their diets.

What are the health benefits of a greens powder?

Let’s take a look at the benefits of these superfood powders and find out if they really can replace vegetables in your diet.

Tick off your nutrients

Taking these superfood powders is an easy way to boost your intake of nutrient-rich plant-based ingredients—especially for those who struggle to consume enough fruit and vegetables daily. With their condensed formulas they can help you top up your macros in one swoop.

Help to prevent chronic illness 

The antioxidant properties found within super can play a big role in combating oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of chronic illnesses.

Bring the energy

A superfood powder can boost energy levels, thanks to their B vitamins and iron content. So, whether it’s getting going for that run or prepping for yoga, a blend can give you a spring in your step. It’s also a buzz that is caffeine and sugar-free.

Strengthen your immune system

Superfood blends are known for their potential to enhance immunity. They are also often rich in antioxidants, which combat free radicals in the body, supporting immune health. 

Chlorella also stimulates the immune response in healthy people.

Help your gut feel happy 

Amazingly, superfood blends also help your digestion better thanks to their natural boost to the body's digestive enzymes.

They're full of good stuff that feeds the helpful bacteria in your gut, making for smoother digestive health and helping you get more nutrients from your food.

Increase in body alkalinity 

You may not know about this one, but superfood blends help to balance the body’s pH and can contribute to better overall health. The human body functions optimally at a slightly alkaline pH, but the standard diet, rich in processed foods, meats, and sugars, can tip the scale towards acidity.

Consuming alkaline foods, like some superfood blends, can help neutralize this effect.

Help you lose weight 

Superfood blends really are super when it comes to weight management as part of a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

They provide a concentrated dose of nutrients that enhance your metabolism and make you feel fuller for longer—so you can burn more calories and snack less. 

Make you glow and grow (in a good way)

Expect better skin, hair and nails due to the nutrients in superfood blends powering their growth. 

Detox you

Ingredients like chlorella and spirulina are known for their detoxifying effects, supporting liver health and helping cleanse the body of toxins. 

supergreens detox

As you can see, superfood blends offer numerous health benefits and are a fantastic way to up your greens intake and nutrient uptake. 

Why are green vegetables important?

Green veg is powerhouses of essential vitamins and minerals that are critical for our bodies to run properly. 

It isn’t just about them giving us fiber—their nutrient density makes them vital components of a balanced and healthful diet. 

Let’s cover, in brief, why fresh veggies are important.

Vitamins and minerals

Vegetables offer a spectrum of minerals, including RDI (Reference Daily Intake) levels of iron, selenium, iodine, and chromium, which are crucial for overall wellness. They’re the perfect power-up to a balanced diet.

Immune function 

These vegetables provide essential vitamins that enhance immune function and support various body systems. They also help to promote vision, immunity, and bone health.

High in potassium

Often meeting or exceeding the RDI of potassium, veg can help manage high blood pressure which supports those living with cardiovascular health issues—as does magnesium.

High in iron

This type of veg meets a significant portion of the RDI for iron, leafy vegetables aid in oxygen transport and energy production.

Selenium, iodine, and chromium

Getting your daily dose of selenium, iodine, and chromium will contribute to better metabolic health, thyroid function, and glucose regulation.

Essential vitamins and minerals

Lots of vegetables contain folate which is vital for the production of neurotransmitters, regulating your mood and stress in the process.

supergreen benefits

Vitamin A

Some vegetables also support healthy vision and bolsters the immune system, playing a commanding role in maintaining eye health and defending against infections.

Bone health

Leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and bok choy are prime sources of Vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health. They may help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Brain benefits

Regular consumption of leafy vegetables is linked to slower cognitive decline, with nutrients that may lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Greens powders vs whole vegetables

When comparing superfood powders to vegetables, you need to consider a few factors like their healthy benefits, density of nutrients and more.

Nutrient absorption

  • Vegetables: Slow and steady, due to fiber.
  • Powders: Quick, but lacks fiber’s benefits.

Nutrient density

  • Vegetables:  High, with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.
  • Powders: High in vitamins and minerals, but low in fiber and may lack some nutrients' bioavailability (how much of the nutrients your body can use and how quickly it can use it after you've taken it).

Your health

  • Vegetables: Better for long-term health because of complex nutrients and fiber.
  • Powders: Useful supplement but shouldn't replace vegetables.

In conclusion, whole vegetables are generally better for health due to their fiber content and nutrient complexity.

Whether you grab a superfood blend or green juice, their nutritional benefits do not replace vegetables in your diet. Treat them as supplements, not an entire meal or a substitute for fruit and vegetables.

Possible side effects 

When it comes to side effects of eating vegetables or drinking superfood blends, they are very minor. 

It’s rare, but you can experience bloating or gas while eating vegetables. This is because of the high fiber content.

supergreens vs green vegetables

And with these blends,you might have a little digestive upset.

This is due to the concentrated nutrients in the formulas which may overwhelm the digestive tract, leading to upset. Also, the body might react to unusual ingredients or those to which you have sensitivities.

How to choose (and use) your blends

So now you know what they’re made of and what they can do for you. If you’re interested in trying them, we’ve got some tips to ensure best practice.

  • Which powder blend? Select powders containing a mix of highly nutritious vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli to ensure a wide spectrum of nutrients.
  • Transparent brand: Go for brands with a solid reputation for quality and transparency in their sourcing, manufacturing and third-party testing.
  • Organic and non-GMO certifications: These labels can indicate a higher quality product, with less exposure to pesticides and genetically modified organisms.

How do you add supergreen powders to your diet?

Now you know what’s in superfood blends, how do you get them into your system and reap their health-boosting rewards?

These are our top tips…

  • Add them in gradually, with a small amount, to see how your body responds. 
  • Try them in water, juice or smoothies, and make sure they are blended smoothly.
  • Be consistent.
  • Enjoy a varied diet with whole foods, using superfood supplements to complement your intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Read more: Supergreens (everything you need to know)

Happy gut, happy you

On your wellness journey to optimum health you’ll already be eating a well balanced diet with fresh produce, whole fruits and leafy greens.

But what not superpower their effects with some tasty probiotics?

Probiotics support the digestive system, helping your body to better absorb the nutrients from your plant-rich diet. 

This synergy between good bacteria from probiotics and the dense nutrition from vegetables and superfood blends form a foundation for a robust immune system, improved digestion, and feeling good (looking good, too!).

Take a look at the body-boosting benefits of YourBiology and make friends with your microbiome. It’s time to flip the script on gut health.

Supergreen FAQs

How do green powder supplements affect digestion?

This type of supplement can positively impact digestion due to its high fiber content and the presence of probiotics and digestive enzymes. These components help maintain a healthy gut flora and improve overall digestive health.

How many servings of superfood powder should I take a day?

The recommended serving varies by brand, but generally, one to two servings a day are suggested. It's important to follow the specific instructions on your supplement label to get the benefits.

How can I get more veg in my diet?

Add spinach, kale, or cucumber into your smoothies to boost their nutritional value. Pair them with fruits like berries or bananas for added sweetness and blend with a liquid like almond milk or coconut water for a delicious veg top up.
