Do You Need To Take Probiotics For A Healthy Gut?

Do You Need To Take Probiotics For A Healthy Gut?

8 min read


26 Jul 2024

If you’ve been searching for ways to improve your gut health, you’ve probably come across the term ‘probiotics’—and for good reason.

Commonly known (in certain scientific circles) as one of the ‘good bacterias’, probiotics are said to keep your digestive health in the green.

But do you really need probiotics for a healthy gut in the long term? And what are the gut-boosting benefits, exactly?

Discover all you need to know about probiotics for gut health right here.

What are probiotics, exactly?

Probiotics are live bacteria that act like helpful residents in your gut. They might help balance things out by keeping good bacteria levels up and bad ones in check. 

There’s strong evidence to suggest that probiotics are helpful for digestion, and some people find them useful for easing digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and bloat while improving overall wellbeing.

Did you know? Having the right balance of gut bacteria is linked to health benefits like healthy weight loss, improved digestion, healthier skin, improved mood, and a stronger immune system.

By creating ‘bacterial harmony’ in your microbiome, probiotics can actually stimulate the immune system, keep things moving, and fight off inflammation.

Your digestive health has a direct impact on your general wellbeing. If your digestive system is feeling spritely, you will, too. Love your gut, and you’ll enjoy a happy glow—day in and day out.


Microbiome: This is the community of microscopic organisms, like bacteria and fungi, that live inside our gut. A healthy microbiome will help to keep us feeling fabulous.

Do I need to take probiotics for gut health?

healthy gut

In a word, yes. Probiotics are an essential part of a healthy and balanced microbiome. Your gut is a bustling ecosystem teeming with trillions of bacteria, both good and bad.

A gut imbalance (technically known as dysbiosis) is usually caused by lifestyle factors, including diet, too much alcohol consumption, poor dental hygiene, or high levels of stress. In addition to making the right lifestyle changes, taking probiotics can restore your gut’s natural harmony.

Probiotics are known as the ‘good bacteria’—and they work in a few ways to keep things running smoothly.

Here’s how…

  • Battling bad bugs: When antibiotics or illness disrupt the balance in your gut, probiotics can help repopulate it with good bacteria, crowding out the troublemakers and restoring digestive harmony.
  • Beating the bloat: Feeling gassy or bloated? Probiotics might be able to ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), drive down inflammation, and reduce bloating.
  • Keeping you healthy: As we said, a happy microbiome is linked to a sharper mind, glowing skin, and a strong immune system. Probiotics play a role in giving your wellbeing an upgrade and helping you feel good.

While research is ongoing to fully understand the full extent of the health benefits, probiotics are a promising way to support your digestive health.

So, if you're looking for a way to give your gut a high five, probiotics might be worth exploring.

Probiotic foods that improve gut health

foods for healthy gut

One of the best ways to level up your digestive health and get more probiotics into your system is through the foods you eat.

Certain vibrant veggies and fermented foods are packed with probiotics and will help to keep your microbiome balanced.

Here are some gut-boosting big hitters for your shopping list…

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Pickles
  • Tofu
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Kombucha
  • Sauerkraut
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Onions
  • Green beans
  • Asparagus
  • Fresh berries

Read: What are Probiotics? A Beginner's Guide to Gut Health

The role of supplements in digestive health

Eating the right foods is essential to keeping your gut happy. But if you want to keep your microbiome as balanced as possible in the long run, taking the right probiotic supplements is the way to go.

So, what role do probiotic supplements play in gut health, exactly? One of the biggest benefits of probiotic supplements for gut health is the fact that they improve the absorption of nutrients.

In doing so, a trusted probiotic supplement will ensure your brain and body get all of the goodness they need to succeed. 

Essentially, a daily dose of probiotics will make your body super-efficient—leveling up your general health and wellbeing in a number of ways.

There are several strains of probiotics—and each one has its very own set of gut-healing superpowers.

Even if you weave a vibrant mix of probiotic-packed foods into your diet, keeping your gut microbiome happy is a delicate matter. 

The right supplements will fill in any nutritional gaps and feed your gut with a perfectly balanced blend of bacteria that will keep your digestive health in the green.

When you’re searching for a supplement to make your microbiome marvellous, there are certain strains of beneficial microbiota that you should look out for—including…

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium breve
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus paracasei 
  • Lactobacillus fermentum
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Any gut-boosting supplement worth a second glance will contain a blend of at least three or four of these probiotic strains—so keep a keen eye out.

What else to look for in a probiotic supplement…


Taking probiotics is an effective way to love your insides and reap a treasure trove of health benefits. But, not all supplements are created equally.

To ensure you get the best gut-boosting bang for your buck, here’s a checklist you can use when choosing the right probiotics for a healthy gut…

  • Is the brand tried and trusted?
  • Does the probiotic supplement contain at least 20 billion CFUs? (check the label)
  • Does it have at least 10 active strains of probiotic goodness?
  • Does it contain added vitamins and digestive enzymes?
  • Is it vegan?
  • Is it dairy, soy, and gluten-free?

When it comes to giving your gut the TLC it deserves, only the best will do. Go for a supplement that ticks all of these boxes, and you’ll maintain good digestive health. And as you know by now: A happy, healthy gut equals a happy, healthy you.

Discover YourBiology today

The gut-boosting benefits of probiotics: a quick summary

There’s little doubt that probiotics play a significant role in keeping your gut healthy. Coupled with a well-rounded diet and some stellar lifestyle choices, a good gut-boosting supplement will work to level up your wellbeing.

Here’s a quick summary of the health benefits of probiotics (a.k.a. the most brilliant bacteria)

  • Good gut microbiota can lift your mental and help you think with clarity
  • Friendly flora can improve digestion and help you absorb nutrients more efficiently
  • Beneficial bacteria can reduce inflammation and help you ‘beat the bloat’
  • Microbiotic marvels can boost immunity and give you more energy
  • Punchy probiotics can give you glowing skin

How to improve gut health naturally:  quick tips…

By now, you know how the right balance of good gut bacteria can benefit human health in a big way. 

In addition to eating the right foods and taking a trusted probiotic supplement, here are some additional tips to keep your microbiome as healthy as can be…

  • Dial down the stress: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your gut. So, take a little time for yourself each day, try stress reduction techniques that suit your lifestyle—and don’t hesitate to ask for support if you need it.
  • Level up your sleep hygiene: Aim for seven to eight hours of decent slumber each night. When you're sleep-deprived, your gut bacteria gets grumpy. Setting a regular bedtime routine, ditching the distractions, and setting your room temp to around 18 degrees (that’s the ‘slumber sweet spot’) will help.
  • Move your body, move your gut: Exercise gets things moving down there, preventing constipation and keeping your gut happy. So, get moving in a way that makes you feel good. Walking or dancing will do the trick!
  • Hydrate, don't dehydrate: Water keeps everything flowing smoothly, including your digestion. So, aim to drink between 10 and 12 standard cups of water each day.
  • Chew like a champ: Savor your food and chew it thoroughly. Eating mindfully and chewing your food more will help to break down food for easier digestion, keeping your gut happy in the process.
  • Limit the booze and brews: Too much alcohol and caffeine can irritate your gut in a big way. Enjoy them in moderation and your microbiome will benefit.

Read: Our essential guide on the best probiotic supplements for gut health for a deeper dive into the innovations that will help to boost your wellbeing.

It’s time to flip the script on gut health

By eating plenty of gut-friendly foods, making a few positive lifestyle tweaks, and weaving probiotic supplements into your daily routine—you will reap all the rewards of a healthy, happy gut.

If you want to supercharge your wellness, YourBiology has you covered. More than dietary supplements alone, our probiotic-powered health supplement ticks all of the gut-boosting boxes.

What we have to offer boasts all 10 strains of gut-soothing probiotics as well as a treasure trove of vitamins and digestive enzymes known to improve gut health.

A daily dose of YourBiology will enhance your focus, improve your mood, and take your wellness levels up a notch.

Take a look at the body-boosting benefits of YourBiology and make friends with your microbiome. It’s time to flip the script.

Your health-boosting FAQs

What is the best probiotic to heal your gut?

When it comes to digestive health, the best probiotics are ones that have been tried, tested, and contain multiple strains of bacteria that are beneficial to your microbiome. The best probiotics for the job are also fortified with additional health-boosting vitamins or nutrients and boast plenty of positive user reviews.

Is it healthy to take probiotics daily?

In a word, yes. As long as you take quality probiotics supplements alongside a balanced diet, getting your daily dose (as per the instructions of your chosen supplement) of good bacteria is likely to boost your digestive health and boost your overall wellbeing.
