probiotic side effects

Probiotic Safety and Side Effects: What You Need To Know

7 min read


10 Sep 2024

Good gut health will supercharge your wellbeing in a wealth of ways. 

From healthy digestion and battling bloat to boosting your mood and improving your immune system—looking after your microbiome is the key to feeling great from the inside out.

Probiotic supplements play a big role in feeding your gut the good bacteria it needs to thrive while restoring your gut’s natural harmony.

Alongside a balanced diet (that includes a tasty choice of fermented foods) and healthy lifestyle choices, a daily dose of probiotics can supercharge your health—for sure.

But, as many health benefits as probiotics supplements can offer, there are some side effects and safety considerations you should know about.

Want to know more? Read on and discover all you need to know about these gut-boosting beauties right here.

The side effects of probiotics explained

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty and look at the main probiotics side effects you may (or may not) need to navigate.


Can probiotics cause gas? Well, yes, they can. As probiotics are live bacteria (the good kind), they can result in a little extra flatulence as they work their gut-boosting magic.

As uncomfortable (and occasionally embarrassing) as this can be, gas caused by probiotics is safe and mild. Stick within the recommended doses, and once your microbiome adjusts to the extra gut-boosting bacteria in your system—order should be restored.


In the same way as gas can be caused by probiotics, you can experience a little bloating as your digestive system starts to adjust. Again, this symptom is typically mild and unintrusive.

bloating probiotics

Oh, and here’s the thing. For most people, consuming probiotics can actually help you beat the bloat by restoring bacterial harmony in your gut.


Everyone has a slightly different reaction to certain bacterial strains. For some, a change in gut flora can cause temporary digestive upset and cause (you guessed it) diarrhea.

This certainly isn’t the case for everyone. On the flip side, consuming probiotics over time will actually improve digestion while reducing the effects of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and similar conditions.


So, can probiotics cause constipation? Yes, you can. Constipation with probiotics isn’t overly common, but it can happen.

This can happen for pretty much exactly the same reasons as why probiotics cause diarrhea. It’s just that some people get backed up rather than experiencing, well…the opposing issue.

Allergic reactions

This is rare, but some people can experience allergic reactions when consuming probiotics in supplement form.

Adverse reactions to certain bacterial strains can cause headaches or raise histamine levels in some people. In turn, this can cause an uncomfortable stomach, nausea, dizziness, and patchy skin.

Also, as some probiotic supplements contain additives like dairy, egg or soy, those with dietary intolerances may experience allergic reactions to certain probiotic supplements. So, always check the label before committing to any supplement.

Generally speaking, the health benefits outweigh the cons—or side effects. For most, any probiotic side effects will be mild—but if you have any concerns at all—take a break from your supplements and talk to your doctor or a health professional for guidance.

If you have a compromised immune system in any way, you should always talk to a healthcare professional before taking probiotics.

If you have any allergies, you should check the label and consult a healthcare professional before taking any probiotics. 

Who shouldn’t take a probiotic dietary supplement?

While probiotics can offer a whole host of benefits, being careful when approaching them is essential. 

Let’s have a look into people who should definitely not take probiotics without professional advice and tailored guidance…

  • People with compromised immune systems
  • People with severe illness
  • Infants and young children
  • People with short bowel syndrome
  • People with a history of probiotic-related infections
  • People with certain allergies to the ingredients in the supplement

Probiotic supplement safety tips

Now that you’re up to speed with potential probiotic supplementation side effects, let’s look at some safety tips to help you enjoy maximum body-boosting benefits with minimal fuss or irritation.

Consider your personal needs

Can you have too much probiotics? Yes, you can. While there aren’t any pressing health dangers by overdoing it with probiotics supplements—consuming more than your daily requirement on a regular basis can make you more susceptible to the side effects we’ve mentioned here in this guide.

So, to stay safe and get the most from your probiotics supplements, you should consider your personal needs.

If you have any dietary allergies, for instance, you should choose a probiotic supplement free from any additives that are likely to upset the body in any way.

Also, if you’re looking to improve your general energy levels and wellbeing in addition to beating the bloat or improving your gut health, taking supplements that include a range of healthy probiotic strains is a good idea.

probiotic side effects

The lesson here? Think about what you need from a probiotics supplement—and not only will you stay safe—but you’ll also supercharge your health in a host of wonderful ways.

Start small and gradually up the dose

When adding probiotic supplements to your daily wellness routine, it’s best to start small and gradually up your dosage overtime.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the exact amount of probiotics, you should check the label for the recommended dosage and start by taking half the daily dose.

Doing so will allow you to test the waters and see if any of the side effects of probiotics apply to you. If all is well, increase the dosage in small increments each week as your body adjusts to the healthy mix of gut flora you’re feeding it—and you’ll be golden.

Choose high-quality probiotics (a.k.a. choose wisely)

When it comes to probiotics supplements, not all products are equal. 

So, to ensure your safety and enjoy a healthy return on gut-boosting investment (or ‘ROGBI’, as we call it!!)—you should always go with a trusted brand.

There are several different factors to consider when choosing the right probiotic supplements, and the good news is that we’re going to tell you what they are right now.

How to choose probiotic supplements: Your essential checklist

To ensure you choose a trusted, high-quality probiotic supplement for your health-boosting needs, here’s a handy checklist you can work through…

  • I’m choosing probiotics supplements from a trusted brand
  • My probiotics are made with high-quality ingredients
  • There are a range of gut-boosting probiotic strains in these supplements
  • Digestive enzymes are present in this probiotic formula
  • The formula is also infused with health-boosting vitamins

Taking probiotics will make you feel better inside and out—as long as you choose the right ones. Work through this checklist, and you’ll find probiotic supplements that tick all of the boxes.

Discover YourBiology Today

The body-boosting benefits of probiotic supplements

We’ve explored the side effects of taking probiotics. Now, let’s flip the script and dig a little deeper into the benefits of probiotics.

Better digestion

Probiotics can help break down food, which can reduce issues like bloating, gas, and constipation. In some cases, getting your fill of good bacteria can also help to reduce the effects of issues like inflammatory bowel disease.

Improved immune function

Your immune system can be strengthened by having a healthy gut microbiota by warding off harmful bacteria and producing substances that improve immunity.

probiotic immunity

Balanced mood

There’s a powerful link between gut health and mental health, known as the gut-brain axis. Probiotics can help (alongside other targeted mental health strategies) to reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress while lifting your general mood.

Glowing skin 

Some studies indicate that probiotics may improve skin conditions like eczema, acne, and rosacea by reducing inflammation and balancing skin microbiota. Taking the right supplements will also help to give your skin a healthy glow.

Weight management

Certain probiotic strains have been linked to weight loss and a reduced risk of obesity by boosting your metabolism and reducing fat storage.

Allergy prevention

Probiotics could help reduce the severity and incidence of allergies by supporting the development of a healthy immune system.

Why YourBiology?

Want a supplement that increases your energy, boosts your immune system, and enhances your mood and focus? 

YourBiology’s Gut+ is here to flip the script on your gut woes. The supplement boasts a treasure trove of health-boosting effects like improved sleep and stronger bones. 

See what other benefits YourBiology’s Gut+ offers right here…

  • Healthy gut microbiota can lift your mental, enhance your focus and concentration
  • Friendly flora can help you absorb nutrients more efficiently and improve digestion
  • Balanced bacteria can reduce inflammation and help you ‘beat the bloat’
  • Probiotic microorganisms can give your skin a radiant glow

Gut+ includes…

  • 10 live probiotic strains
  • Three gut-boosting digestive enzymes
  • Two top-notch prebiotics
  • Added vitamins for an extra healthy glow

  • All of these health-enhancing goodies help you with happiness and focus, smooth digestion, a balanced gut, effortless energy, robust immunity and healthy skin. Discover YourBiology today.

    Final thoughts…

    We've delved into the wonderful world of probiotics and learned about their safety and potential side effects. 

    Now you know the lowdown on good healthy bacteria (of the gut-enhancing variety), you can navigate the world of probiotics with confidence and make the best decisions about your health. 

    So, here's to a gut-friendly future full of the wonders of probiotics and all the benefits they bring. 

    Cheers to good health and making empowered decisions on your gut-loving journey.
