Benefits of Super Greens

10 Benefits of Super Greens (What Makes Them So Super?)

10 min read


10 Sep 2024

Superfoods…Super greens…We hear these words being thrown around a lot by health experts, dieticians​​—and even on social media.

But so many things get hyped up as the next big thing or a “must have” for your wellness routine—then often fail to deliver the goods. 

So when something genuinely incredible does come along, it gets treated with suspicion.

Like super greens.

If you’re not familiar with what super greens actually are, you’d be forgiven for simply assuming that they’re just a trend that will swiftly fall away—just like many other health and wellbeing products do.

But that isn’t the case here.

We want to show you exactly what super greens are, what they can do for your health, why you should be including them in your daily routine, and why they live up to their name.

What are super greens?

So, what are super greens, exactly?

Well, we’re not just talking about healthy green vegetables here—although some of these are often referred to as superfoods in their own right. It’s the powdered super greens supplements that we’re looking at.

what are supergreens

Because as great as the raw and physical forms of these (mostly) green vegetables are, it can be a real struggle to consume enough over the course of a day or across the week.

This is where a powdered form of super greens can step up to the plate.

Read more: Supergreens (everything you need to know)

What are super greens powders?

Super greens powders are concentrated blends of various nutrient-dense leafy greens, grasses, algaes, and other plant-based ingredients that have been dried and ground into a fine super green powder.

These kinds of nutritional supplements are designed to provide you with a convenient, as well as concentrated, source of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that might be lacking in your diet.

Most super greens powders will contain a wide variety of ingredients, including things like spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass, kale, spinach, and other green vegetables. Which, if we’re being brutally honest again, aren’t the easiest or nicest to consume on their own.

Super greens also tend to be rich in chlorophyll and provide a range of vitamins (such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and B vitamins), lots of minerals (such as iron, magnesium, and potassium), and various other plant compounds that offer numerous potential health benefits.

Depending on what the exact ingredients are, super greens supplements will sometimes be marketed in a specific way—whether that be to boost energy levels, promote detoxification, support immune function—or simply to support your overall health. Super green also provides a convenient way to increase your intake of plant-based nutrients.

They’re also pretty versatile, as they can usually be mixed with water or juice or even added to smoothies and shakes.

What ingredients are in super greens?

We’ve already mentioned a few of the things that you’re likely to find in super greens powders—but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. 

Some formulas contain dozens of different plant-based ingredients—which will vary depending on the specific product.

whats in supergreens

Most greens powders tend to include their own unique mixture of the following kinds of superfoods and ingredients…

  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, alfalfa
  • Other vegetables, roots, and bulbs: Broccoli, beets, wild yam
  • Seaweeds and algaes: Spirulina, chlorella
  • Grasses: Wheat grass, barley grass
  • Nutritional extracts: Matcha green tea extract, grape seed extract
  • Antioxidant fruits: Raspberries, acai berry, acerola cherry
  • Source of dietary fiber: Apple pectin, inulin
  • Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex
  • Minerals: Iron, zinc, manganese

Some super greens may also contain additional types of ingredients, like herbs, mushrooms, digestive enzymes, and various strains of probiotics.

Whatever the full list of ingredients may be, they are generally chosen for their rich nutrient profiles—significant health benefits—and overall contribution to the nutritional content of the supplement.

But what are these potential benefits that we keep referring to? Let’s look at some specifics for what super greens can do for you.

10 health benefits of taking super greens powder

While the exact results that super greens supplements provide will depend on the exact ingredients used, here are 10 common health and nutritional benefits that you often gain from supplementing your diet with a quality super greens formula.

1. Easily surpass your “five a day”

We touched on this above, but it’s worth repeating: Super greens are a great way to increase your daily fruits and veggies count!

Because, let’s be honest, who can really say they find it easy to get their recommended five a day? And every single day, at that.'

five a day suergreens

We’ll hold our hands up here and admit that sometimes we struggle. Life can get in the way. Between work, family, social lives, and other commitments, sometimes those five portions of different fruits and vegetables just don’t make it into our meals and snacks.

But that’s OK. Because that’s what super greens are there for…to top up your daily fruit and veg numbers.

2. Highly nutritious

Super greens typically provide a ton of nutrients. They’re a concentrated source of lots of micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so they’re a really easy way to give your body exactly what it needs to function at its very best and stay in tip-top condition.

3. Supports immune health

We all hate getting ill—it’s just the worst. You’re going about your life, and then out of nowhere, you’re struck down with a sore throat, nausea, and multiple other cold or flu symptoms. Ugh.

immune system supergreens

But the trick to avoiding this sort of thing being a regular occurrence is to take care of your immune system (so it can then take care of you).

The high concentration of antioxidants and phytonutrients in super greens supplements can help you do exactly that—by supporting immune function and keeping sickness at bay.

4. Promotes digestive health and a healthy gut

Another big benefit of super greens powders is the positive effect they can have on your gut health and digestive system.

High-fiber ingredients, as well as probiotics, can help your body absorb and use nutrients better, digest food more efficiently, and keep your bowel movements regular.

So, no more tummy troubles! If your stomach is happy, then you’re more likely to be too.

5. Boosts energy

A major aspect of our lives that’s reflected in the food we eat is how much energy we have.

If you constantly eat stodgy, processed junk foods—you’ll often feel sluggish, unmotivated, and struggle to get anything done.

supergreen energy

Whereas a diet that contains mostly whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins, and lots of fruits and veggies will have you feeling energized, alert, and ready to take on the world.

Super greens are fantastic in this regard, as they are low in calories but still provide plenty of vitamins and antioxidants to improve your energy levels, reduce fatigue, and even improve your endurance when exercising.

6. Reduces inflammation

The antioxidants and phytonutrients in super greens supplements can help reduce inflammation in the body—which is linked to many chronic diseases—as well as fight off free radicals that try to attack your cells.

Super greens supplements can contain compounds that support your body's detoxification pathways, too, helping to remove harmful toxins.

With less inflammation and dangerous free radicals to trouble your body, you can also lower your blood pressure, boost your heart health, and even improve your brain function.

7. Supports healthy aging

Those antioxidant properties that we keep mentioning can also help protect you against oxidative stress—which is a major contributor to aging and age-related diseases.

supergreens anti aageing

So, super greens are an easy way to keep you looking great and feeling sharp throughout the years.

8. Better weight management

The fiber and protein content in super greens powder can help promote feelings of fullness and curb cravings—which is great for helping with weight loss efforts.

Those nutrients that fill you up will make it much less likely that you’ll want to reach into the fridge or snack cupboard for greasy or excessively sugary foods. They can stop you from overeating at mealtimes, too.

9. Improves cardiovascular health

Super greens nutrients like fiber, potassium, and antioxidants can also have a positive impact on various aspects of your cardiovascular health, such as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

And if your chosen super greens powder contains a thermogenic ingredient like green tea extract. 

It can boost your metabolism and help you burn even more calories during exercise, leading to enhanced weight loss and to you getting physically fitter over time.

10. Healthier skin, nails, and hair

Bet you weren’t expecting this one to be on a list of super greens benefits, were you?

But it’s true—super green powders can help you get your glow on and reignite your inner (and outer) radiance.

supergreens skin benefits

Superfoods like wheat grass and acerola, along with ingredients like vitamins A and C, plus a full vitamin B complex, help to enhance your body’s collagen production. 

So, you can maintain your silky smooth skin, luscious locks, and strong nails—no matter your age.

Can a super greens powder replace a healthy diet?

Super greens supplements are definitely a convenient way to boost your nutrient intake, but they shouldn’t actively replace eating healthy foods.

Unprocessed whole foods are still your best source of essential nutrients for overall health. 

But we know how hard it can be to consume the wide array of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other beneficial compounds you need to keep your body and mind in the best possible condition.

supergreens vs green vegetables

So, while we’d certainly recommend that you complement your diet with a super greens powder (that’s what a dietary supplement is for, after all), make sure to prioritize a well-rounded and balanced diet that includes a variety vibrant of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to get your full fill of nutrients and supercharge your health.

How often should you take super greens?

How often you take super greens supplements will vary depending on the specific product you choose, as well as your individual needs and daily routine.

Most super greens supplements are designed to be taken once a day, either in the morning or with a meal, although you may choose to take them more or less frequently, depending on your dietary habits and overall health goals.

If you’re new to super greens supplements, you might want to start with a lower dose and gradually increase as needed while monitoring how your body responds.

As we mentioned, with any dietary supplement, it's important to maintain a well-balanced diet and not rely solely on super greens for your nutritional needs. It should form part of your healthy routine, instead of the be all and end all.

Do super greens taste bad?

The taste of a super greens powder will vary depending on the specific brand and flavor. Some super greens supplements come in different flavors, like mint, watermelon, mango, or berry, which can help improve the taste.

Another option is to go for an unflavored super greens powder, as this gives you complete freedom and scope for mixing up greens drinks to flavors of your own choosing.

supergreens benefits

For example, you could mix a scoop into your morning juice or blend it into a delicious smoothie with lots of fruits and other healthy foods.

These are great ways to get your daily serving of greens in easily and without ever having to worry about what it’s going to taste like.

So, are super greens really that super?

Hopefully, by now you’ve seen that, yes, super greens are super by name and super by nature.

There are so many possible benefits to these supplements that make them such a valuable addition to your diet.

They’re rich in phytonutrients and superfoods that have been shown time and again to boost energy, improve gut health, reduce inflammation, enhance immunity, and keep you feeling fresh and young.

They’re also a really easy way to provide your body with other nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health.

Not to mention that super greens are a convenient way to up your intake of greens, fruits, herbs, probiotics, antioxidants, and other healthy ingredients that you’d otherwise struggle to include in your diet.

All super greens supplements will have slightly different formulas. So it’s crucial that you opt for one that includes proven ingredients, has plenty of positive reviews (from experts and consumers alike), and provides a wide range of benefits to your health and wellbeing.

And that’s exactly what you get with YourBiology Supergreens+!

There are 24 revitalizing ingredients, a ton of health benefits, and countless recommendations from happy customers who’ve tried it and loved it.

Give it a try to experience the vibrancy and vitality for yourself. One scoop is all it takes to get you on the road to a brand-new you.
