Supergreens - Everything You Need To Know

Supercharge Your Health: What Are Supergreens? Everything You Need To Know

7 min read


30 Jul 2024

Keeping up with your daily nutritional needs can be challenging, especially if you're short on time. Getting five portions of fruit and vegetables into your daily diet isn’t always easy. 

Sometimes you grab something on the go and before you know it—you’ve missed out on your body’s nutritional needs.

This is why so many people are turning to greens powders. They’re the perfect way to fill in the gaps that your daily food intake might not be providing you with. Greens powders can also supercharge your health in numerous ways to help you feel energized and glowing.

So what exactly are supergreens and why are they so popular? This health-boosting guide will reveal all.

What are supergreens?

supergreens powder

Supergreens, or powdered greens are nutrient-dense dietary supplements full of bioactive compounds. They’re made from a blend of various green vegetables, grasses, algae, and other plant-based ingredients. 

This body-boosting blend of goodies usually contains a broad mix of leafy greens, and often includes other ingredients like digestive enzymes and added vitamins.

Greens powders generally contain over 40 different ingredients, including oat grass, spirulina, barley grass powder, green tea extract, and spinach. 

They also feature superfoods such as beetroot, broccoli, grape seed, and acerola and a digestive element such as apple fiber. The ingredients are dehydrated and then ground into a fine powder, ready for consumption. 

The formulations are usually vegan, non-genetically modified, and organic. But it’s best to check the product label to be certain, as these ingredients or properties can vary from brand to brand.

Supergreens are a plant-based supplement that is a quick and convenient way to consume a large number of nutrients at once. 

They’re perfect for people who don’t always manage to consume the nutrients they need every day through diet alone. While they’re not a meal replacement, a good dose of greens can help to fill in any gaps in your nutrition by providing you with some of the highest-quality vitamins and minerals quickly and easily.

To take the supplement, all you have to do is mix one or two scoops of greens powders with water, or as part of a healthy shake—that’s it. The powders are generally low-calorie, too, so they can be mixed without packing on the pounds.

What are the health benefits of supergreens?

healthy gut

The nutrients and plant compounds in greens powders will help to support your overall wellness when used in combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Here are just some of the benefits of taking supergreens daily…

  • A stronger immune system
  • Can help prevent chronic diseases
  • Higher energy levels
  • Stronger bones
  • Better cognitive function
  • Helps with detoxification
  • Better digestion and gut health
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better weight management
  • A stronger cardiovascular system

Greens powders are a quick and convenient way to boost your nutrient intake and supercharge your health.

Read: Do supergreens stop bloating?

How do you use greens powder?

Supergreens can come in powdered or capsule form, and which one you choose will depend on how you’re planning to consume it. Most people prefer to take it as a powder so that it can be easily added to water, juice, or smoothies.

If you’re making a smoothie, it's a good idea to refrigerate it if you’re not planning to drink it right away. Other ways to take a greens powder include…

  • Adding them to egg-based meals such as omelets or scrambled eggs
  • Mixing them with vegetables or a salad dressing
  • Adding them to soup

Greens powders are a really useful way to keep up your nutrient levels if you have a busy lifestyle. You’ll get an all-in-one power boost of nutrition whenever you need it.

Are there any issues with taking supergreens?

powdered supergreen

If you’re taking a greens supplement on a regular basis and following the recommended dose, there should be no issues unless you have an intolerance to any of the ingredients. 

The problems tend to occur if you have a particularly unhealthy lifestyle. Supergreens aren’t a meal replacement and you should take them alongside a healthy diet packed with healthy foods.

If there is a negative it can be the taste, which isn’t to everyone’s palate, as they tend to taste, well, a bit greeny. 

But, this isn’t so noticeable when mixed into shakes with natural sugar substitutes, smoothies or salads—so the trick is to be creative.  

It’s best practice to speak to your doctor before taking any new supplement—greens powders are no exception.

How can you get the most out of greens powders?

Getting the most out of supergreens means promoting positive lifestyle changes to enhance its effects. 

This means ditching bad habits, adopting newer, more positive ones, and allowing yourself to shine fully. 

Here are just some of the things you should do if you want to get the best green powder benefits.

Keep it consistent and interesting

It’s important to get into a routine of taking supergreens every day and taking it at the same time each day will help you to remember. 

Some people prefer to take supergreens in the morning as part of a smoothie or breakfast shake. Others prefer to take them after a workout or with a sauce at dinner time. 

Supergreens are versatile, so try to keep it interesting, and your supergreen supplement will soon become a regular part of your daily routine.

Exercise daily

woman jogging

If you want to get the most out of your supplement, it’s essential that you get your body in great shape. 

This means getting your heart rate up through exercise. In doing so, improve the oxygen and nutrient delivery to your system. And this means greater health benefits as you’ll be sending all of the essential vitamins and minerals found in your greens powder around your body. So, get working out to get your supergreens working harder for you.

Get plenty of sleep

Your body likes its habits, and going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day will have great health benefits. 

We get that this might not fit in with work schedules like shift work, but at the very least, try to make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Your body will thank you for it. 

Make sure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet

Your primary vitamins and minerals should come from whole foods. Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. 

Try to limit processed foods, saturated fats, and food with added sugars. A healthy diet must form the bulk of the essential nutrients your body needs, with greens powders supplementing and giving you that extra boost. 

Ideally, you should incorporate supergreens into your meals each day through shakes, sauces, or adding to a recipe.

Reduce your stress levels

Studies have shown that chronic stress is very bad for your health in a number of ways and can lead to issues such as fatigue, poor heart health, digestive issues, loss of muscle mass, and cognitive problems. 

For the good of your mental and overall health, try to manage stress better by giving yourself more time to process your daily tasks. 

Take some time out for yourself each day, and if you can, join a meditation or yoga group, as these are especially helpful for resetting your mind.

Change bad habits for good ones

Poor health choices such as excessive drinking or smoking should be at the forefront of your list to cut out of your life. 

We get it—it’s not easy to just stop if these habits are a regular part of your life. But cutting down gradually is the right way to go if you want to get into the best shape both mentally and physically.

Stay hydrated

Research has shown that poor hydration can lead to a number of health issues, including poor skin health, fatigue, and bad cognitive health.  Try to drink around six to eight glasses of water each day, especially if you’re physically active. 

Remember that greens powders are dehydrated, so you won’t get any hydration from them. Take a water bottle with you to remind you to “top up” regularly. 

Better still, add your greens powder to the water and use the hydration to get into the habit of taking it as part of your daily routine.

By adopting these habits, we can pretty much guarantee you’ll reap the benefits of supergreens and unleash your happy glow.

YourBiology supergreens are packed full of highly nutritious greens, fiber and bursting with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help you regain your happy glow.


woman drinking a supergreen drink

Is consuming greens powder the same as eating vegetables?

One scoop of super greens is typically high in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. But greens powders aren’t a substitute for a balanced diet. Eating a wide variety of whole vegetables and other produce as part of a well-rounded diet is the best way to achieve nutritional balance. A supplement will fill in any nutritional gaps and give your health a boost.

Is it okay to drink super greens every day?

If you want to make the most of your super greens, you should follow the instructions on the packet. To use greens powders sensibly, don't exceed the stated dose, and always take them as part of a healthy lifestyle.

What are greens powder good for?

The best super greens powders will be packed full of essential nutrients to support your health and well-being. These will include antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. 

Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, super greens can help with chronic disease, blood pressure, bone health, immunity, weight management, digestion, and cognitive function.
